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BITM, September 7 2022

Press Release: Protect your business domain from ransomware and malicious actors with BITM

Excerpt: Leading cyber security solution provider BITM’s Domain Security Intelligence service helps your business protect itself against ransomware and other malicious activities.

BITM’s Domain Security Intelligence service helps your business protect itself against ransomware and other malicious activities. Domain security is vital for any business as your domain represents your website, company email accounts, essential user data, information about your suppliers, and much more. This makes it a key target for malicious parties who want to gain access to your important business data.

BITM’s Domain Security Intelligence service is the best way to counter these threats by monitoring your domain security and determining where it needs to be improved.

We look at the benefits of BITM’s Domain Security Intelligence service below.

BITM Domain Security Intelligence

BITM’s Domain Security Intelligence service presents the state of your domain security to all key stakeholders – from C-level executives to technicians – and provides an overview that uses colour-coded grades to make it easy to interpret the state of your domain security at a glance. This clearly shows your most significant weaknesses, so you can immediately prioritise fixing these issues. It also provides your technicians with access to in-depth technical findings, including vulnerability details, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures numbers (if applicable), and vulnerability severity ratings using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System standard. This service from BITM includes compliance monitoring, allowing you to compare your compliance levels to industry standards as well as quantify the cost of a data breach using the OPENFAIR model.

How to protect your domain

BITM’s Domain Security Intelligence service is available in three forms:

The managed services products both include a monthly report consisting of the following:

The managed services also come with automated email alerts of critical vulnerabilities that are discovered during continuous monitoring and a monthly consultation with BITM. Additionally, the annual managed service includes a historical timeline of your risk levels that is updated each month.

The unmanaged service then gives you a once-off summary report of your domain security, a rapid one-day scan, and remediation recommendations from the BITM team. Importantly, all of these services align with BITM’s focus on helping organisations improve their cyber security.

Author: MyBroadband

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